Beloved in Christ, Welcome to St. Nicholas!
It is with great joy and love that we welcome you to our community! Whether you are visiting on vacation, looking into Orthodoxy, or just happened to find us online please don’t hesitate to reach out through email (saintnicholasmb@outlook.com), phone (843-238-8636). We look forward to getting to know you and your journey through life!
Here at St. Nicholas all our services are in English and our service schedule can be found in the tab above. If you have never been to an Orthodox Church before and have questions, Fr. Nektarios would love to talk with you about them. We have also provided some helpful articles and video series’ that are informative as well. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
The Orthodox Church is the original Church established by Christ through his Apostles. As the Apostles established churches there came to be five great centers of Christianity (Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch). These five centers were guided by five Patriarchs who met in council and guided the entire Christian world (until 1054 when Rome split). It is this original Church that wrote, compiled, and canonized the Holy Scriptures and formulated the traditional doctrines of Christianity (through 7 Ecumenical Councils). St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church is a direct descendant of the Church in Antioch where the “disciples were first called Christians” (Acts 11:26). Our head hierarch is the Patriarch of Antioch who traces his line all the way back to the Apostles over 2,000 years ago. Today there are 250 million Orthodox Christians in the world and 1 million in the United States.
When you enter St. Nicholas, you will notice that our Church is filled with iconography, incense, and candlelight. Byzantine and Slavic music fill the air along with bells that announce the beginning of the service. “Come and see” and enter into the beauty of Orthodox worship as we participate, body and soul, in intercession, praise, thanksgiving, and offering which the angels and saints ceaselessly live out in the kingdom. “Come and see” St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, established in the ancient faith that has been guiding its faithful to know God and enter into union with him for the past 2,000 years!
Welcome to Our Parish!!!